New Legislation – SB 1343 and Sexual Harassment Training

At OmegaComp HR, we understand your time is money. We also understand that new legislation involving small businesses is constantly evolving, putting you and your business in a compliance risk unless you’re properly updated with current regulations.
Just this year, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a series of bills related to workplace sexual harassment. These bills make up one of the most sweeping collections of laws in the United States related to sexual harassment. They expand legal protections to victims of workplace harassment, while also expanding employers’ duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and the legal liability for those found to have engaged in such conduct.
Currently, employers with 50+ employees must provide sexual harassment prevention training to supervisors every two years. SB 1343, which passed September 30, 2018, mandates that California employers with five or more employees must provide sexual harassment training to all employees by January 1, 2020.
At OmegaComp HR, we offer comprehensive and robust training programs within our suite of HR products and services, to ensure that our clients remain fully compliant and educated on the most important HR legislative topics. It’s vital to become familiar with the provisions of SB 1343 and understand how it will affect your business.
To start the conversation now, reach out to one of our experts and get OmegaComp HR in your corner. Call 888-540-0752!