IIPP Compliance With SB 198
The leading cause of Cal/OSHA citations is lack of compliance with the SB 198 Injury and Illness Prevention program. This program is a standard and is one of the most complicated and misunderstood requirements for compliance with Cal/OSHA.
According to California law, most employers with 10 or more employees must establish, implement and maintain a written Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). The repercussions of getting it wrong or failing to comply altogether can be costly.
Unless you’re up to date with SB-198 required compliance, you are at much higher risk for Cal/OSHA fines and citations, higher workers’ compensation costs, increased insurance rates and most importantly, you are risking employee safety. Start reducing those risks immediately by requesting a safety audit from one of our Risk Management Consultants today.
What happens during a Cal/OSHA inspection?
Inspections are surprise visit, as Cal/OSHA is not required to notify you of an upcoming inspection. During this visit, Cal/OSHA inspectors are required to review your SB 198 Injury and Illness Prevention Program and associated records during every inspection. Here are some statistics to keep in mind:
- 1 out of 3 workers hurt on the job have been employed at that company less than a year.
- 70 percent of Cal/OSHA inspections are triggered by employee complaints.
- California businesses have to comply with more than 3,000 pages of additional regulations.
- Disabling workplace injuries have decreased since the SB 198 standard went into effect.
- On average, 18 fatal workplace accidents occur each workday.
- 60 percent of all fall-related injuries occur from heights under 10 feet.
Insight into SB 198 Requirements with a Safety Inspection Audit:
- The elements every Injury and Illness Prevention Program must cover
- Components you need to include in your written plan
- Ensuring your company’s SB 198 program is manageable
- Specifics a Cal/OSHA inspector will look for in your prevention program
Take Proactive Safety Measures
- Setting safety goals and objectives that tie into Cal/OSHA compliance
- How to get workers to come to you with their safety concerns before they call Cal/OSHA
- Smart self-assessment techniques — and how to evaluate your compliance status ongoing
- Safety practices you can use to avoid accidents and citations
Maintain Critical Records With Supportive Documentation
- How to maintain injury and illness recordkeeping requirements
- Determining if an incident is recordable
- Retention and maintenance of Cal/OSHA records
- How to calculate your OSHA incident rate and your company’s lost workday injury rate
- What specific documentation techniques you should be using in your Cal/OSHA files
Identify & Control Potential Workplace Hazards
- How to develop a hazard control system that meets Cal/OSHA standards
- Cultivate and prioritize a Safety Culture among staff
- Reducing your employer liability
Train Employees To Stay In Compliance
- Making safety meetings a priority to employees
- Training techniques for workers who don’t read/speak English
- How to get management buy-in on new safety practices and expenditures
Improve Handling Of Accident & Injury Investigations
- Identify and execute the first action to take when you arrive on the scene
- Questions you need to ask those involved — and what to do if their answers don’t match
- How to correctly interpret and apply the information you’ve gathered
For more information on how to get started, contact one of our Risk Management Consultants today.